Here is a review of a movie I didn't expect to be writing about, “Attack the Ghetto.” I mean, “Rave on the Block.” No, that's not it either. How about “Party on the Block?” Oh yes, “Attack the Block.” How could I not know the name of the movie I'm reviewing? Sam (Jodie Whittaker) is walking through “the block” when she comes down the wrong street. Unfortunately for her, Moses (John Boyega) and his gang of fellow teens are waiting for the right person to cross their path. They have this robbery under control until something crashes into a nearby car. Moses goes to investigate, and is attacked by a strange creature before it takes off. This doesn’t sit well with Moses, as he leads the teens in a chase after the creature. They finally catch up to it, and make it pay for attacking Moses. The teens celebrate not knowing what they killed, and that it is not alone. So what is with all the stupidity over the name of the movie? Well, for those that hav...