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A new virtual reality headset promises to offer Tom an escape from his painfully dull life, but how will he cope when a Japanese urban legend comes to haunt him? Starring: Betty Waterhouse, Connor Knight, and Matt Beaumont Directed and written by: Rob Ulitski   “VR” introduces audiences to what happens when virtual reality meets horror. Tom just got a new virtual reality headset, and wastes little time trying it out. It seems to be working well, as he ventures to different realities. Then things start to get a little weird, and an alarm goes off saying there’s a virus in the network. He’s forced to take off the headset and take a break.   During this break, the audience finds out that he’s apparently having issues with an ex-lover. Upset about this problem, he goes back to the headset. This time it doesn’t take long before he’s confronted by a strange asian woman again. Virtual reality and reality start to converge with his life very much in the balance....


A young woman is terrorized by a mysterious puppet. Starring: Noelle Hanson Directed by: Carlos Omar de Leon Written by: Carlos Omar de Leon and Vorasine Vince Phrommany   "KAL- The Clown" starts with a young woman (Noelle Hanson) sitting on her couch trying to watch tv when the door bell rings. She goes to the door, and finds that she's received a package. She brings it inside, and opens it up to find a scary looking clown puppet. There's also a note saying that his name is KAL. She leaves it in the box, and resumes watching tv.   Sometime later she realizes the clown is now on the floor so she picks it up and throws it in the garbage. She tries a couple of more times to get rid of the clown, but isn't very successful. After hearing the basement door open, she goes to investigate, and ends up falling down the stairs. Unfortunately for her she's now easy pickings for the puppet.   This is another well done short horror film by Carlo...


A popular online blogger thinks he's going on a routine blind date thanks to the new dating app he's been using. But his next date could be his last... Starring: Jonnie Stapleton and Desire Jansen Directed by: Carlos Omar De León Written by: Vorasine Vince Phrommany and Carlos Omar De León   “Killer Date” opens with Mike (Jonnie Stapleton) in a coffee shop waiting for his blind date. While waiting he’s posting his latest blog about how using a dating app has made it easy to meet women. On cue, his date, Abby (Desire Jansen), arrives and sits down with him. The two have that awkward exchange that sometimes happens when meeting someone for the first time. Too bad for Mike, it will get even more uncomfortable soon!   The two end up at Abby’s house, and Mike starts making his move on her. However, she quickly puts him in his place  before offering him a drink. The drink knocks him out, and he ends up strapped to table. With Mike struggling and trying ...


A low-budget anthology film focuses on a young group of friends, gathered for a night of fun and drinks around a campfire. Every year they try to outdo themselves telling scary stories. Will they survive another round? One story showcasing 5 unique macabre tales to frighten audiences everywhere. Starring: Donna Brown, Justin Celani, Tim Christie, and Zach Etter Directed by: Ian Messenger Written by: Justin Celani, and Ian Messenger   From the title, "Fireside Tales," audiences might guess that this film involves some tales by a fire. A group of young adults are continuing their yearly tradition of telling some scary tales by a campfire. A couple of them try to top each other’s tales, as they continuously argue in between stories. Ultimately, it's up to the audience to decide which tale is the best.   The first story is called “Undertow," which takes place in the desert. A couple and their friend are hanging out before they're attacked by ...


A comedy homage to the drive-in monster movies of the 50s. Starring: Scott Monahan, Melanie Minichino, Shey Lyn Zanotti, and Charlie Farrell Directed and written by: Neal McLaughlin   A couple of years ago, the comedy horror “ WolfCop ” was a pleasant surprise combining a werewolf and cop. Now horror fans are in for another surprise hit “I Was a Teenage Wereskunk.” That’s right, a combination of a werewolf and skunk. After reading ‘Wereskunk’ in the title, audiences might think this is just another cheesy sci-fi type film. Well, it’s nothing like that at all. There’s a creative character driven story from beginning to end bringing fans back to the monster movies of the 50’s.    Curtis (Scott Monahan) is a teenager, who is just trying to fit in in his own awkward way. He’s close with a girl named Mary Beth (Shey Lyn Zanotti), who he eventually realizes he wants to go steady with. However, he has one big obstacle in his way…he becomes a wereskunk anytim...


Teenage girl finds out, through her dreams and hallucinations, that she has a rather violent and morbid past. She sets out to right the wrong but her journey will take her to hell and back. Starring: Al Baker, Michael Balch, Michelina Houlihan, and Catherine Brundage Directed and written by: Emir Skalonja   The psychological horror film “Flesh of My Flesh” starts off in a weird, but important scene. There’s what looks to be a cult led by a crazy and creepy man (Al Baker). The audience gets to see him do many things including helping to deliver a baby that he appears to be really happy about. He shows the baby to all his followers and the world.   Before the audience can figure out what’s happening, they’re introduced to Sarah (Michelina Houlihan), and her parents. Her mother is strict, while father tries acting more like her friend. Actually, he’s pretty funny trying to use teenage slang with his daughter looking at him like he’s nuts. They obviously care ...


After receiving his destiny from a fortune cookie, a lonely office worker, Barry Baker, has a hard time adjusting to his new found calling as a serial killer. Just because you are meant to do something… doesn’t mean you will be good at it. Starring: Peter Konowicz, Nathan Jokela, Danae DeShazer, and Paul Saulo Directed and written by: Tony Ahedo   “Barry Baker: Aspiring Serial Killer” proves to be an effective mix of comedy and horror. The first episode begins heavy on the comedy, as the audience gets introduced to Barry (Peter Konowicz). Barry is definitely not a natural born serial killer. There’s no greater proof for that than the fact that he wets his bed at night. He isn’t drawn to killing because of hate, but seems to be more out of looking for meaning in his life.    While this episode has plenty of funny moments before Barry even gets the idea of being a serial killer, it’s when he gets the idea tha...


In the aftermath of the hunt for a serial killer, an ancient curse consumes a city, causing a series of brutal murders and pitting a detective against the clock to save his daughter's life. Starring: Christopher Wiehl, Kym Jackson, and Tina Lifford Directed by: Padraig Reynolds Written by: Danny Kolker and Christopher Wiehl   “The Devil’s Dolls” starts off on a high note with a great opening scene. A serial killer hunts down a young girl in an abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. It’s a pretty intense chase that appears to lead the girl to the safety of a cop’s car. Too bad the killer is carrying a huge drill, and gives the girl a tremendous shower in the cop’s blood.   This is the first of several good death scenes, which is one of the few strong suits for the movie. Most of the deaths are very brutal, and bloody. A young man flips out in a store, and makes quick work of the clerk. The fun continues in another scene involving a pissed off man,...


You Only Die Once tells the tale of 3 childhood best friends and vampire hunters whose friendship is called into question when one of their boyfriends becomes a vamp-bride craving, Count Dracula voice mimicking, messy blood-sucker! It's Buffy meets Hammer Horror and more in this Amanda B. Goodman horror/comedy short! Starring: Phil Casale, Teegan Curitz, John DeSilvestri, Amanda B. Goodman, Jen Keefe, Janet S. Kim, Lyssa Mandel, and Lianna Nielsen.   “You Only Die Once” is a very entertaining short horror film filled with plenty of humor. First, there’s a group of best friends who act more like enemies, particularly Cecelia (Amanda B. Goodman) and Linda (Teegan Curitz). They’re constantly going at each other in a war of words over who’s the better vampire hunter. More specifically, they’re in a friendly competition over who will be the first to kill a vampire named Topher (John Desilvestri).   Tophor’s an interesting character in his own right. He seems to act...


    “Brains” is an original web series set after a three year zombie apocalypse on a college campus. 23­year ­old Alison Sumner is a neuropsychology student with a zombie (Carl Markham) as a best friend, who spends her time doing research about the zombie plague and crushing on a fellow student (Damian Phillips). Alison “vlogs” her quest to seduce her crush as an independent study art project, as well as her life post apocalypse. Starring: Bri Castellini, Marshall Taylor Thurman, Masha Danilenko, Connor Bowen, and Kmur Hardeman Directed by: Andrew Williams, and Bri Castellini Written by: Bri Castellini   "Brains" the web series starts off with Alison (Bri Castellini) talking about her love life three years into the apocalypse. Yes, that's what she's worried about. Now this might not be something guys what to see to start off with, but it gets better. Actually, there are many things to like about this series, as it proves to be for all audiences....


After discovering a video showing what he believes to be his sister's experiences in the demonic woods of the Blair Witch, James and a group of friends head to the forest in search of his lost sibling. Starring: James Allen McCune, Callie Hernandez, Corbin Reid, Brandon Scott, Wes Robinson, and Valorie Curry Directed by: Adam Wingard Written by: Simon Barrett   Lionsgate originally entitled this movie “The Woods,” which seemed intriguing enough. Then they surprised horror fans changing the name to “Blair Witch,” and let everyone know this is a sequel to the 1999 “The Blair Witch Project.” This sent a buzz through the horror community, and instantly made this one of the most anticipated horror films of the year. So does it live up to the hype?   Much of the beginning to middle of the film is complete story set up. It provides a few chuckles, but is mostly boring. The audience is presented camera view after camera view from all the characters, and i...


Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns. Starring: Malcolm McDowell, Richard Brake, Sheri Moon Zombie, Pancho Moler, and Jeff Daniel Phillips Directed and written by: Rob Zombie   Horror fans have been waiting a long time for the next Rob Zombie film, and it’s finally here. Audiences are sometimes split on his films, and they come with all kinds of expectations. Going into “31,” I wasn’t sure want to expect other than another crazy film. To some disappointment, it didn’t turn out to be as crazy as expected.   The story is actually kind of standard just set with maybe an unusual group of people. It starts off very much like “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” or “The Hills Have Eyes,” and soon enough becomes a game of survival like “Saw.” The difference might be the eventual victims, wh...


Zack Connors and Rachel Meadows were born with incredible psychokinetic capabilities. When word of their supernatural talents gets out, they find themselves the prisoners of Michael Slovak, a deranged doctor intent on harvesting their powers. After a daring escape, they are free from his sinister institution, but the corrupt doctor will stop at nothing to track them down so that he may continue to siphon their gifts for his own use. Starring: Graham Skipper, Lauren Ashley Carter, and John Speredakos Directed and written by: Joe Begos   Sometimes horror can be down right fun to watch, and that’s the case with “The Mind’s Eye.” The audience might expect a fun movie is coming their way because it opens with a disclaimer that “This film should be played loud.” Yes, it’s loud, really loud! It turns out to work perfectly with the feel of the movie, and particularly well in the action scenes.   Speaking of action, there’s no storage of it. Right off the bat, Zack...


In a desolate community full of drug-addled Marines and rumors of kidnapping, a wild-eyed stoner named Lou wakes up after a wild night of partying with symptoms of a strange illness and recurring visions as she struggles to get a grip on reality while stories of conspiracy spread. Starring: Natasha Lyonne, Chloe Sevigny, and Meg Tilly Directed and written by: Danny Perez   The story in "Antibirth" centers around Lou (Natasha Lyonne), who's one hell of a party girl. If she can drink it, she’ll drink it. If she can smoke it, she’ll smoke it. She’s truly down for anything, and apparently that’s what she got. After a night of parting with her friend, Sadie (Chloe Savigny), she starts feeling sick, the kind of sick feeling a woman gets when she might be pregnant.    She’s absolutely sure she didn’t sleep with anyone, so she’s confused at why she’s pregnant. However, this doesn’t stop her from drinking and smoking. It probably makes her do it more. Her...


A group of friends break into the house of a wealthy blind man, thinking they’ll get away with the perfect heist. They’re wrong. Starring: Stephen Lang, Jane Levy, Dylan Minnette, and Daniel Zovatto Directed by: Fede Alvarez Written by: Fede Alvarez and Rodo Sayagues   On the surface, the premiss for “Don’t Breathe” seems pretty simple. As simple as a three friends, Rocky (Jane Levy), Alex (Dylan Minnette), and Money (Daniel Zovatto), trying to rob a blind man (Stephen Lang) in his house. There’s some concern that this is going to turn out to be just another home invasion movie. However, there’s one hell of a twist that puts this movie on the map!   This well constructed story begins with the friends robbing a house, and displaying that they have done this more than once. Soon after that, the audience gets a glimpse of each character away from the group. It’s here that they’re trying to get the audience to have some sympathy for them, even with knowing...