A group of young and spoiled rich kids turn into vampires after a night out, changing the course of their lives and driving a wedge between them all. Starring: Gijs Blom, Philip Juan, and Anna Marchenko Directed by: David Verbeek Written by: David Verbeek and Hugh Travers “Dead & Beautiful,” two things that don’t really go together. However, if you have a lot of money you never know what you can make happen. Like making a fake funeral, which is what Mason (Gijs Blom) walks into on his return home. It appears his friends, Alex (Ten Tsao), Anastasia (Anna Marchenko), Lulu (Avlis Zhong), and Bin-Ray (Philip Yuan) arranged it as the latest joke amongst this group. Hardly something most would find funny unless you’re young, spoiled, and extremely rich. Now that this prank is out of the way, Anastasia arranges the next outing to entertain the friends. They’re off to meet a shaman, and go through some weird ritual stuff. When they all wake up, the shaman seems li...