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HorrO's Gory Reviews 3-Year Anniversary!

  How many years has it been? I can't believe it has been 3 years already. Well, since I've done this twice already, I'll try to act like I've been here before. 
  Let me start by thanking all of you for the support. I know there are many of you that have been with me from the beginning, and that means a lot. I'm thankful to have formed so many great relationships with people from the blog, to Twitter, and to Facebook. It has truly been a fun ride. 
  Last year, I had a big surprise when I did my 2-year anniversary post, and unveiled Sorry, no surprises this year. I will say I'm trying to accomplish something I wanted to do long ago, but was never sure it would work. However, because of I think it might work, and I'm slowly putting it together. Yes, 3 years, how much slower can I be? Anyway, it will remain a secret for now so hopefully you will have something to look forward to. 
  Back to for a moment. It has been a huge success, and it all started here. Several fans and friends of this site were the first ones to receive promotions, and are still featured up there. I’m pleased that I was able to help many of you out, in turn, helping me get the site rolling. Today also marks the 1-year anniversary of, which has eclipse everything I’ve done at HorrO’s Gory Reviews in a year’s time. It has truly been amazing, and I look forward to another year of spreading the horror!
  I can’t forget to mention my sometimes forgotten site, The Dog Days in Zombieville. The journal of Max Wagner continues on. As a reminder, you can still catch up from the beginning, as there are links to each year of the journal. I have recently changed it up, and started posting other zombie related items up on journal’s Facebook page. However, Twitter is still only for tweeting the journal. And no, it isn’t celebrating an anniversary today!
  The only sort of surprise I have for you is a new catch phrase, or re-branding if you will. HorrO’s Gory Reviews,, and The Dog Days in Zombieville will now make up what I’m calling:

You will now see this phase on all the sites going forward, and probably see me mention it more times than you care to so I apologize in advance.
  As far as things to come, well Halloween will be here before you know it, and I’m sure to be busy with reviews of movies like Paranormal Activity 4, and Silent Hill Revelations. Also, I will probably try to find something fun to do, and post Halloween pictures as usual. And I have already made plans to attend Halloween Horror Nights, and the Spooky Empire convention, so you will see a lot about those events as well.
  With all that said, I’ll wrap this up. Again, thank you all so so so much for all the support. I really appreciate it, and look forward to doing a 4-year anniversary post!



  1. Yay!!! Congratulations! I look forward to seeing many more years of your blog. :)

    1. Thanks!!! I do too lol!!! Thanks for being a huge supporter of everything I do!

  2. Happy Third Anniversary, HorrO! Both of your blogs are incredible and I'm a huge fan of your work , you know. Keep up the great work! I'm looking forward to your upcoming gory reviews.

    I had no clue your blog is just one day younger than mine, and find this consequence quite cool actually. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad to have you contribute to both my sites, as I'm always happy to contribute to yours. I look forward to many more movie discussions!

      Yea, it is cool. I'm a little jealous you got the 13th and I got the 14th. Being a horror site, maybe I should have planned better and took the 13th. I feel like Jason does on the 14th lol!


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