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  The American Horror Story Asylum premiere sure made an awesome birthday present. The only way it could’ve been better is if The Walking Dead also premiered, but I’ll take that premiere as an early present. So I thought I would put together a few thoughts about last night’s premiere, and give a chance for any of you to share your thoughts.
  I guess I could just say “Bloody Face,” and end this right here. Last season’s mystery character was the man in the rubber suit, and now it looks like Bloody Face will be his replacement… not bad. He certainly is creepy looking. Since we saw him in the present, I guess the mystery is who from the past is he, and why is he still there in the present?

  I liked that they opened in the present. It gave a little perspective, including the info the newlyweds just happened to share with us like the death chutes (definitely what to know more about them). I do wonder if that is all of the present we will get to see since it appears the couple didn’t make it. And how about those opening credits? Now that is the way to get a show started. I actually watched them a few times just to soak in all the craziness.
  The last thing I thought I would’ve seen last night is an alien. I know AHSA is suppose to be insane and all, but I didn’t think they would go there. Apparently that isn’t the end of it either since that little chip stood up and walked away. It’s still hard to think about aliens on this show, but ok. It’s also hard to think of a bakery in an asylum. Are they actually selling baked goods, or is that for the patients? I sure as hell want nothing from the asylum’s bakery!

  Wow, Jessica Lang is good! One of the best moves they made was bringing her back. I guess after her award winning performance last season that was an easy decision. She puts on such a commanding performance. It was also good to see Evan Peters back. Looks like he’s going to go from being a tortured soul to a probed one.
  The new character that almost stole the show is the crazy doctor. What asylum doesn’t have a crazy doctor? While he’s very interesting, of course we all want to know what his experiments are all about. I was a little confused cause it appeared he was feeding something downstairs, but the nun was also feeding something in the forest. Are they the same creatures? What a great conversation between Sister Jude and the doctor. Loved how they played what seemed like a violin (not a music expert) when key things were mentioned. Season 1 had a lot of interesting music and sounds so it looks like they will continue to do that this season, which is fine with me.
  I think I will leave it at that. Definitely excited to have the show back. Season 1 set the bar high, so let’s see if they can surpass what they accomplished last year. Can’t wait for the doors of the asylum to open next week!


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