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My Thoughts on True Blood Season 7, Episode 7

  So how not exciting was this episode? It was like they slowed things down just to build up your suspense for another week. This was another emotional driven episode lacking in action! Since they got rid of the H-vamps, they have really focused on the characters last days, and are holding the action until the end. They continued with the theme of bringing back old faces, but still haven't brought back the one vamp I want to see... The King! So before I complain too much about not having the King back, here are my thoughts on episode 7, “May Be the Last Time.”
  Tara's Mom: Dig!
  Lafayette: Dig faster!
  Little Girl: There are people, not dogs, digging up the yard! Call 9-1-1!!!
  Jason: Really needs to keep his eyes to himself! He doesn't need to go down this road again. Then again, isn't it mandatory that he sleeps with the new blonds in town?
  Bridget: Why hello there new blond in town! She is way to friendly, and touchy. She doesn't know it, but she needs to stay away from Jason!
  Hoyt: Can't say I'm happy to see him. Jessica seems busy, so I'm not sure when that awkward moment is going to happen.
  Sam: Keep drinking my friend! His storyline has come to a crawl! It's only a matter of if he stays or goes at this point!
  Arlene: Shame!!! On the pool table! Now that is something new from her. Just like I missed Sookie having the virus, I didn't even think about Arlene having too! I guess she is going to have to stick with sex in dreams.
  Kevin: Out of luck, but taking it well!
  Wade: Now talk about lucky! Stuck in a sex chamber with the one you love! Wait, no experimenting! Come on! They are young! He is going to regret it once Violet finishes with them.
  Adilyn: She is way too innocent! Maybe even more than when we first met Sookie. She doesn't know it, but she received the kiss of death!
  Violet: Evil, evil, evil! Maybe if she showed Jason that room they would still be together!
  Andy: He's such a funny character that I wish this was ending more on a lighter note for him. Way too much seriousness. I hope nothing happens to Adilyn just for his sake.
  Holly: Way to be supportive. Oh, and just how would the kids get to her ex's house without the truck that was still parked next to the tree?
  Jessica: Wipe away those bloody tears it's time for a rescue. She might need a little help though!
  Grandpa: Speaking of help, don't call him if you need help. Useless! Just keep eating spaghetti!
  Dr. Ludwig: Almost as useless! She was pretty funny though! Love her ride! Scared of a royal fairy out of everything! Go figure!
  Bill: Tic Toc! That virus is all over! I don't know if they are showing the flashbacks to make us feel bad for him, but it's not working on me. I like Bill, but I'm just not too upset over the possibility of him dying. Still think there is a small chance of him, and Sookie being together in the end (not just the end of the episode).
  Sookie: I give it to her for trying, but this isn't a battle she can win. She might regret not sticking with Bill from the start now.
  Mr. Gus: His word really is oak... So far!
  Amber: Too bad Eric killed her! Maybe she could have been used to find a cure.
  Eric: Yes, at least one more kill in the books before the end. I'm with him, get Sarah's blood, and then kill her!
  Pam: She's so in control! She knows what to do, but she just can't get Eric on the same page. Oh and she won for my favorite line of the night when she said, "You want Eric for your vampire Jenny Craig commercials." Not her best line, but it was a slim picking.
  Rev: I can't believe we got to see him yet again, but I can't get a King sighting! Come on!
  Sarah: No, I'm not calling her by her ridiculous new name. They need to take her blood, and finish off the nut job already!
 So here we go! The last three episodes! There are mysteries to solve, and issues to resolve. There are couples that may or may not end up together. Most importantly, who lives and who dies? It's not prediction time yet, but we are getting close. Until next week!



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