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Alcoholic werewolf cop Lou Garou springs into action when an eccentric businessman with evil intentions seduces Woodhaven’s residents with a new brewery and hockey team in this outrageous horror-comedy sequel.

Starring: Leo Fafard, Amy Matysio, and Jonathan Cherry

Directed and written by: Lowell Dean

  There are movies made for certain audiences and that can definitely be said for horror comedies. Horror fans will be down for the horror, but it’s the comedy that will make or break it. “Wolfcop” was a hit in my eyes, so there was no hesitation in deciding to watch “Another Wolfcop.” However, if you hated “Wolfcop” (maybe you needed some liquor donuts before watching) then “Another Wolfcop” and this review might not be for you.
  Obviously it’s great to see several of the characters back again especially Wolfcop (Leo Fafard). The movie opens with a crazy car chase scene leaving a path of destruction only Wolfcop could produce in this small town. Tina (Amy Matysio) is sheriff, and trying to hide the legend of Wolfcop from newcomers on the force. Lou aka Wolfcop doesn’t make it easy for her. 
  While “Wolfcop” spent a lot of time introducing Wolfcop and what he could do, this time around it’s a lot about building up a formable foe for Wolfcop. Swallows (Yannick Bisson) is trying to bring chaos to the city, and using a special new drink to do it. This drink has a painful kick to it, as it makes mutants out of people in a way one could only expect in a Wolfcop movie. 
  There were many things that stood out about “Wolfcop,” and are present again. Of course drinking and liquor donuts is one of them. While they aren’t as stressed as the first time around, they’re certainly present. Another thing is how well they handle the transformation from Lou to Wolfcop. While some of bloody special effects deaths later on aren’t perfect, the transformation is spot on again. Wolfcop isn’t the only one transforming either, as he has a special lady friend. And you know what that means…another wild and crazy sex scene!
  The whole mutant thing might make this a crazier movie, but is it funnier? It’s close, but the originality in part one is hard to beat. Without giving it away, the return of one character in particular is definitely welcomed. Not only in their return, but that they bring along a little mutant friend. Speaking of funny things, just imagine Wolfcop playing hockey, and literally taking the fight to the other team. To top it off, add chaos and mutants in the crowd, and a bomb count down!
  Again “Another Wolfcop” is for those who want to see more of Wolfcop. While there’s horror in it, this style of comedy might not be for everyone. It’s really made for those who wish they could watch it with a box of liquor donuts in their hands instead of some stale popcorn. Many of the elements of what made “Wolfcop” great are back, including favorite characters, and another must see sex scene. When it’s time to kick ass, Lou always lets the wolf in him run wild. With that, I give this movie 3 pools of blood and 2 dozen liquor donuts!


(*There is an after credit scene*)


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