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A masked serial killer turns a horror-themed amusement park into his personal playground, terrorizing a group of friends while the rest of the patrons believe that it is all part of the show.

Starring: Bex Taylor-Klaus, Reign Edwards, Amy Forsyth, and Tony Todd

Directed by: Gregory Plotkin

Written by: Seth M. Sherwood, Blair Butler, William Penick, Christopher Sey, and Akela Cooper

  As someone who has become frustrated by all the PG-13 movies, it’s good to see a rated R slasher in theaters. When it comes time for the killer to make the kill, it’s nice to actually see the kill, and not watch the camera pull away to screams. It’s great to see the blood and brutality again. No there aren’t any earth shattering kills in “Hell Fest,” but the point is being able to see them.
  Besides the kills, a horror-themed amusement park makes such a great setting for a horror movie. It’s fun seeing what kind of park they create, and watching random people get scared in the background. Actually, the movie might have focused a little too much on that, and not on what’s going on with this group of characters, and the killer. Actually, so little about the killer is revealed that it sets up a very intriguing ending.
  No “Hell Fest” isn’t going to break records, but it’s a not a bad way start to October. For someone who loves slashers, and horror-themed amusement parks, it’s really enjoyable, and makes one wish they were there (minus the serial killer). The park is just a bonus to actually being able to see the kills, and a different ending. If you’re looking for an appetizer before the main course that is “Halloween,” then give this one a chance. With that, I give this movie 3 pools of blood!



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