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A severely injured man and woman awake in an abandoned sanitarium only to discover that a sadistic caretaker holds the keys to their freedom and the horrific answers as to their real identity. 

Starring: Thomas Cocquerel, Camille Stopps, and Angus Macfadyen

Directed by: Rob Grant

Written by: Chuck McCue and Jules Vincent

  “Alive” opens in a familiar scene of a man (Thomas Cocquerel) strapped to a hospital bed. Not sure what’s happening and injured, he manages to free himself, and make it to the hallway. No it’s not the zombie apocalypse, but may be something just as bad. Another man (Angus Macfadyen) appears and drags him back to where he belongs. He awakens to find a female patient (Camille Stopps) next to him, and also at the mercy of this man.
  For those who simply like watching others be tortured…enjoy! The man verbally abuses them, and of course physically abuses them as well. He insists that everything he does is for them, but he seems to be hurting them more than helping. One scene that stands out is when the man tries to get the male patient to exercise, but goes way too far and reinjures his knee. 
  If you like some blood, guts, and body parts to come along with your torture…enjoy! There’s only so much abuse the pair can take so they make several attempts to get out of the sanatarium, but find that to be a tough task. Along the way they find bodies and heads in a freezer. They try a stairway, but struggle to get through it because it’s covered in blood, and body parts. 
  Most of all, if you like an ending with a good twist…enjoy! The pair not only struggle to get out of there, but also can’t remember who they are. The clues to what is really happening here are sprinkled in along the way. Some are there in plain site, if the audience knows what they’re looking for. Other clues are in what the man says to them, and why he never stops chasing after them. 
  “Alive” might have the audience thinking it’s similar to a Saw movie. Random people taken hostage, tortured by a crazy man, a struggle to get free, and a big twist to close it out. It might come across a little slow in parts, especially the first half. However, it’s worth noting that Angus does a terrific job as the bad guy, and has some really good and crazy moments. Like some of the Saw films, it all comes down to whether the audience will go for the twist. It’s kind of crazy, but is set up well in the story so with that I give it 3 pools of blood.


*There are mid and after credit scenes
*Shown at the 5th Annual Popcorn Frights Film Festival


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