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It’s Halloween weekend and a group of bullies are planning their annual hazing on local outcast, Jacob Atkins. When they take things too far, he’s resurrected to seek revenge against those that wronged him.

Starring: Tony Todd, P.J. Soles, Courtney Gains, and Pancho Moler 

Written and directed by: Josh Hasty

  Nothing good comes from bullying, and “Candy Corn” proves that. Jacob (Nate Chaney) has just been hired at a Freakshow that has come to town, and his boss, Dr. Death (Pancho Moler), reminds him that he is now one of them. He’s ready to work when he’s confronted by a group of bullies, who have picked on him annually. This time things go way too far, and they apparently kill him. Dr. Death makes good on his word that Jacob is one of them, as he brings Jacob back to life, but now as a killing machine.
  Most of the bullies aren’t too concerned with what they did except of Carol (Madison Russ), who might not have participated but witnessed what they did. Her guilt gets the best of her, and she alerts the sheriff (Courtney Gains) of what happened. The sheriff heads off to the freakshow to talk with Dr. Death, but he isn’t welcomed with open arms. Some of the best interaction in the movie comes between Dr. Death and the sheriff because Dr. Death definitely doesn’t like the police, and isn’t shy about letting that be known. 
  Everything seems alright until there is a report of a murder. This is very uncommon in this town, but that’s about to change. Jacob is now back to take revenge on all those who participated in his death. He’s got a pretty creepy mask to hide his face, and keeps his Halloween bucket with candy corn handy. Most of the deaths are pretty brutal with the removal of plenty of body parts. They take a risk and do something a little different by slowing down the final moments of the death scenes. It’s a little weird at first, but also allows the audience a chance to take in what’s happening.
  Without giving too much away, there’s more to Jacob including an interesting weakness. It shows that Dr. Death definitely is in charge of him, and uses him for a specific purpose seen once the show moves away. It’s a good conclusion to the movie, as it proves there’s something more than just revenge going on here. 
  In the end, “Candy Corn” will be another fun slasher movie for the upcoming Halloween season. Jacob is big, bad, and brutal with his victims. He likes candy corn, and isn’t afraid to share them with his victims whether they want them or not. It’s good to see Pancho be a big part of this movie, and do a good job of it. Dr. Death is pulling the strings, and isn’t to be messed with. Thanks to Jacob, I'm not sure if I'll ever eat Candy Corn again, but I will give the movie 2.5 pools of blood.



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