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During a plagued dust and wind storm in 1963, a countryman takes in a weary traveler seeking refuge -- but discovers the truth in the circumstances of his arrival.

Starring: Anthony Arkin, Mark Silverman, and Nicky Boulos

Directed by: Lorian Gish, and Justin Knoepfel

Written by: Justin Knoepfel

  “The Howling Wind” sets the stage in what very well could be an episode of “The Twilight Zone.” A radio is playing letting people of the town know that a state of emergency has been declared, that they should stay indoors, and don’t get caught in the winds. Also, it notes to stay away from individuals caught in the wind because they can become unpredictable and dangerous. Arnold (Anthony Arkin) is taking the warning seriously, and boards up his farm house before sitting down for a drink.
  As the chaos grows in the town, he tries to relax until he hears a sound in the house. He finds Jacob (Nicky Boulos), who broke into his cellar seeking safety from the winds. The two eventually sit down for food, drinks, and conversation. All seems to be going well until Arnold falls asleep, and later finds Jacob in the bathroom. The wind is picking outside and so does the tension between the two men.
  If there was ever an atmospheric film this is it. While Anthony and Nicky’s performances are great, everything happening around them seems to set the tone, and will stick with the audience all the way through. It might seem weird to say, but the star of the show just might be the radio. While the audience can see the horror to come between the two men, the radio is a constant reminder of the horror that's holding them captive. The filmmakers really nail the 1963 setting with every shot they capture, and of course making it black and white. There’s no doubt that "The Howling Wind" will be winning awards during its festival run!



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