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Set three months prior to “Never Hike Alone,” “Never Hike in the Snow” follows the strange disappearance of Mark Hill, a Crystal Lake resident who went for a hike in the dead of winter and never came home.  

Starring: Vinny Guastaferro, Thom Mathews, Courtlan Gordon, and Vincente DiSanti

Directed and written by: Vincente DiSanti

  Apparently Mark (Courtlan Gordon) has been investigating the woods, and taking pictures of the area. Unfortunately for him, he has stumbled into the territory of the most feared predator in the area…Jason (Vincente DiSanti). The cops find the car he was driving, but there’s no sign of Mark. Sheriff Rick Cologne (Vinny Guastaferro) seems like he knows what’s happened, but isn’t ready to tell anyone. Instead he has a fellow cop start an investigation while he goes to break the news to Mark’s mother.

  This short horror film opens right in the middle of the action. Mark is running through the snow with Jason on his tail. Jason does something fans aren’t used to seeing him do much of to stop Mark, but then finishes him off in a much more familiar way. What’s great here is that the film takes its time, and lets the audience enjoy the death. The audience gets a couple of shoots of Mark, and then they get to see what Jason does with the body afterwards.

  From there on out, much of the film follows the sheriff, and the investigation. Vinny is good enough at carrying the load here, as his character deals with Mark’s mom, and yelling at his fellow officer. Not many fan films are able to actually get someone from the franchise to be involved in the film, but this one manages to find a role for Thom Mathews to return as Tommy Jarvis. It looks like Tommy is looking for another shot at taking Jason down.

  Make no mistake, the audience does get some more of Jason. It does what the movies don’t do, and explores Jason after the kill. What he does with the body, and where he goes. They also take a risk and bring back someone from Jason’s past. And even though this is a short film they need more than one kill, and they manage just that. This time there’s a little more of a fight against Jason.

  “Never Hike in the Snow” is a fan film that does plenty of justice to the beloved franchise it’s based on. It’s clear they wanted to start off with a bang, and they did making every shot count. Fans can appreciate that they filled in some gaps that aren’t usually covered in the movies. They also took some risks with what goes on with Jason inside his hideaway that seem to work. Of course the audience can't ignore the snow, which is unusual to see with Jason, but adds something to the look of the film. In the end, it appears like this fan film franchise has something in the works, and it will be interesting to see where all of its films together end up.


Click here to watch the film!


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