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  Looking back at 2011, it seemed like it was a slow year for horror. Without looking at the official box office numbers, I’m guessing most horror movies didn’t do too well, especially if the movie wasn’t named “Paranormal Activity 3.” I know, there were several remakes, which some people just refused to see. Too bad for the Occupy Remake Movement because there were some descent remakes this year like “Fright Night,” and “The Thing.” Ok, “Fright Night” turned out not being exactly the same, and “The Thing” was a prequel, but still. (The Thing Review)
  Besides some of the major releases, there were some pleasant surprises such as, “Tucker & Dale vs. Evil,” and “Attack the Block” Both of those movies were very fun to watch. There probably was no bigger surprise than “Insidious.” I remember it scaring the hell out the teens in the theater, which was an added bonus to an already great movie. It also proved that maybe there should be some more original horror in 2012 (wink wink). Also, there were some straight to DVD releases, which I enjoyed like “Wrong Turn 4,” and “Quarantine 2,” and some I didn’t such as, “The Howling Reborn.” (Attack the Block Review)
  So now that I have tipped you off on how this list might turn out, it is time to wrap up the 2011 horror movie season, and move on to 2012. Here is my list of favorite, and least favorite horror movies of 2011. As with my list from last year, this list includes only the movies I saw, so if I left out your favorite movie, “sorry.” Trust me, I wish I could have seen them all. Also, I decided to give out a few awards, so without further delay:

My Top 5 Favorite Horror Movies of 2011:

 #5 Final Destination 5: Was this the end of the franchise? For some, I know they hope it is. For me, I have enjoyed the 3D element in the last two movies. I don’t expect much more than just a bunch of bad actors dying in a horrible way, so there isn’t much to complain about anymore. (Final Destination 5 Review)

#4 Paranormal Activity 3: What can I say… it’s growing on me. I’m still not sure if I liked it more, or less than part 2. While it has the usually theme going on, there are still enough decent scares to please me. With how much money it made, I’m sure we will see a part 4. I would hope they start a new storyline, but that isn’t likely to happen. (Paranormal Activity 3 Review)

#3 Fright Night 3D: I like the Fright Night part of it, and not really the 3D part. It has a good mix of humor, and horror. Colin does a better job as a vampire than I thought he would. And the few changes they make are enough for me not to feel it is just another boring scene for scene remake. (Fright Night 3D Review)

#2 Tucker & Dale vs. Evil: This isn’t exactly your typical horror movie, or is it?  It appears that way to start off, but soon becomes more of a horror comedy (an absolutely hilarious one). There are also plenty of deaths, and blood for horror fans. It kind of has the best of both worlds.

#1 Insidious: Well, no surprise here after I basically gave it away in the opening. This was the creepiest movie I have seen in theaters in a long time. I almost didn’t see it because I didn’t know much about it. That would have been a mistake. If you haven’t seen this movie for whatever reason, go get it now, turn down the lights, and enjoy! (Insidious Review)

  No, Super 8 didn’t make the list for two reasons. One it isn’t really horror, and I tried hard not to include borderline horror/sci-fi movies on the list. Two, I just wanted to see more of the creature than they showed. Good story, and I liked the kids though. And Rise of the Planet of the Apes… also more sci-fi, but you will find a comment on that below. Hobo with a Shotgun was good, but while it did have a lot of blood, it felt like more of an action movie. (Super 8 Review)

My Top 5 Least Favorite Horror Movies of 2011:

#5 Dylan Dog Dead of Night: Apparently the comic is a lot better. It seems like a good movie idea, but it doesn’t translate on screen. The acting isn’t great, and the little twist at the end isn’t a big surprise. The only thing really memorable about it is when Marcus becomes a zombie.

#4 The Roommate: Ah I’m sure you forgot this was even released this year. Good for you. Too bad I remembered. This is no “Single White Female.” (The Roommate Review)

#3 Vanishing on 7th Street: Too bad this movie just didn’t vanish. The preview gave me such hope that it would at least be interesting. The darkness came, and you were gone. That is about all that happened with an especially stupid ending. (Vanishing on 7th Street Review)

#2 11-11-11: What a disappointment for a movie with the perfect opportunity to do something special with the whole 11-11-11 thing. It is like you get this opportunity all the time, although next year we could see the sequel 12-12-12. You never know. (11-11-11 Review)

#1 The Howling Reborn: This movie almost escaped this list, as I just recently saw it. At least an hour and a half wasted watching this movie turned out to be of some use. There is just too much time spent on the boy and girl having feelings for each other. It almost reminded me of Twilight, which isn’t a good thing. And when the wolves finally fight, all it amounts to is a bunch of growling, and camera shaking!

  I know, what a weak pick for number 1. Of course a straight to DVD movie, especially of a franchise that hasn’t done anything special in years, is more likely to suck. Oh well, that is what they get for releasing a movie late in the year so that I can easily remember how bad it is. I missed Hellraiser: Revelations, but from what I’ve heard, that might have made the list too. And yes, The Darkest Hour just barely escaped this list! (The Darkest Hour 3D Review)

And now for a few awards:

Honorable Mention for Favorite Movie- Again, it is more sci-fi than horror, but Rise of the Planet of the Apes was one of my favorite movies of 2011 (Rise of the Planet of the Apes Review)
Best 3D in a Horror Movie- Final Destination 5
Worst 3D in a Horror Movie- Fright Night 
Best Horror Remake- Fright Night
Worst Horror Remake- Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark
Most Disturbing Horror Movie- Red State (upsetting The Human Centipede 2) (Red State Review)
Biggest Disappointment- Priest (Scream 4 was close) (Priest ReviewScream 4 Review)
Most Blood- Hobo with a Shotgun (yes I just said it wasn’t horror, but I had to give it credit for something)

Horror movies I wanted to see but haven’t: TrollHunter, Rubber, Atrocious, and I Saw the Devil

Horror movies I didn’t really want to see, therefore are not on this list: Beastly, and Red Riding Hood

Horror movies I am most looking forward to seeing next year (if they are released as planned): Halloween 3D, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D, World War Z, and Prometheus 

And I can't end the year without again mentioning how much I liked American Horror Story! If I was giving out awards for TV shows as well, they would clean house!



  1. B"est Horror Remake- Fright Night
    Worst Horror Remake- Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark"

    For me, it's the other way around. :) I hated Fright Night.

    Glad to see FD5 on your list. Thoroughly enjoyed this one. :) Insidious was great, but there was something lacking for me. Wong has a lot to learn in terms of directing.

  2. Dear goodness, am I the only person in the world who didn't think that much of Insidious? It seriously was not that great, like at all.

    You should absolutely see I Saw the Devil! That movie was fucking awesome.

  3. Nebular: Lol! Good to see we can disagree too! I didn't hate Don't be Afraid of the Dark, but it did nothing for me. I expected to hate Fright Night, but I was happy with it. I know the changes weren't for everyone. Insidious was not perfect, but I really enjoyed. Rumors of a part 2, which I don't think is needed, but that is what happens with success. Thanks for commenting!

  4. Michele: Insidious did have some mistakes, but what can I say other than I enjoyed it. I also loved how it freaked out all the teens when I saw it in theaters. That won it some points right there. I know that the few movies I missed like I Saw the Devil, might have changed this list if I saw them. I have noticed I Saw the Devil on a lot of people's lists for best movie. Thanks for commenting!

  5. best gore movies
    i thumb up for The Roommate it makes me frightened alot !


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