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From the Director of 'DEADTIME' and 'Zombie Harvest' comes Crying Wolf! They're Hungry, Hairy and ready to hunt you down! The comedy horror Crying Wolf tells the story of strange and weird goings on in a little English village called Deddington. The gruesome death of local girl Charlotte by a rabid monster causes alarm and revulsion - before desperate reporters, crazy detectives and revenge seeking hunters descend on the scene! Crying wolf is a fast paced British comedy horror that will keep you howling for more!

Starring: Caroline Munro, Joe Egan, and Kristofer Dayne 

Directed by: Tony Jopia

Written by: Andy Davie, Michael Dale, and Tony Jopia

  "Crying Wolf" is like a story within a story with many other short stories going on. What does that mean? Well, the overall story is told by a private investigator (Gary Martin), who has come to town to investigate the disappearance of a girl. While in town, he stumbles upon a book, and begins reading through it. So begins the story of a pack of wolves, and what happens on one of their hunting trips. Seeing the story from the pack's view as opposed to the victims gives the movie something different to work with.
  As the investigator reads on, the audience is introduced to the pack, and how certain members came to join it. Just as the audience begins to sort through the who’s who of the pack, the wolves stop, and begin telling some stories of their own. Hence, the other short stories mentioned above. This is actually one of the better parts of the movie. Each wolf tries to tell a crazier story of death. The audience gets to see these short stories played out that are full of people dying in all kinds of ways. The best one might be the one where two topless girls are sun tanning, and one tries to frighten the other to death!
  Getting back to the original story, the investigator tells another story of how two hunters came together, and now are plotting against this pack of wolves. This sets up a great ending action scene between the hunters, the wolves, and a few of their potential victims. It's a crazy back and forth scene with plenty of deaths. Just prior to the final scene, the audience gets treated to a multiple wolf transformation scene, which is fun because audiences are usually only treated to one transformation at a time.
  Overall, the idea for "Crying Wolf isn't bad, but it just needs a little bit tighter of execution. While the death stories in the middle of the story are fun, mixed in with the character stories it's almost too many sub stories to keep up with. The deaths were good, and it has plenty of blood in it. However, budget constraints probably held them back from doing more, and instead they injected some unfavorable CGI. There are times when the blood, and wolf movements seem too fake. Even with some flaws, there's enough there to say it's worth watching, so I give it 2 pools of blood.



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