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Part of my Halloween Horror Nights 24 (HHN) adventures was taking the Unmasking the Horror Tour. This tour takes fans on a behind the scenes look at their haunted houses. Our tour took us into 6 of their 8 houses so I decided to break them each up into their own post in order to give you a better look at each of them. This is a behind the scenes look at the “Dollhouse of the Damned” house.

The above video is a series of photos that I took while on the tour. What I will be doing now is describing some of the things you saw in the video, so you might want to read this and then go back and watch the video again.

The first series of pics in the video are shots of the outside of the house. It's a wooden frame decorated with what other than baby doll parts. There are arms, legs, heads, and even some complete dolls too. On the roof there is a raven, which is something the designers add to each house every year. For those of us who know about it, it's always fun looking for.

The first scare in this house can be seen in the above pic. It doesn't look like much here, but at night there's a scare actor up there being very still. She will eventually move in an attempt to scare people passing by. She is just a warm up for the most disturbing thing about this house, which comes next. 

In the video you will see a couple of pics of large baby cribs. They are large because at night there are some large baby scare actors in them. When I say large, I really mean they have some giant heads. The heads look similar to the head on the wall you see at the end of the video.

These are some bad babies. They have made a mess of their cribs, and yes the walls. That is what you think it is on the walls!

Besides the scary babies, you might find some familiar faces. The above pic is a Teddy Rubskin bear split in half, and stuck on the wall. In the video, you might have also seen a Carebear on the wall as well

Then there is the big toy room filled with more dolls. They are all over the place to catch your attention while scare actors are trying to scare you. Here you see a familiar face in the doll from "Dead Silence." I look forward to finding him in a house ever year. In the video, you will see he appears in several places in the room.

And this guy needs no introduction. He was hard to find at night. 

Now here's a scare they have done before. In this pic it looks like just a stack of stuffed toys. However, if you look closely there's a trigger on top because at night a scare actor covered in toys becomes part of the stack of toys. Of course he jumps up to scare people as they walk by. There's another stack of toys in the room to distract you. You will also see in the video some creepy looking mummy like figures on the wall. They were freaky looking, yet funny because they were holding dolls.

The final room of the house was fun. There were lots of mirrors to catch your attention. In the center of the room were some ballerinas. As you might expect, at night one of them was actually a scare actor. Dance with her if you dare.

And here's a look at the aforementioned large baby heads. I thought it was funny how they had body parts in their mouths. Below is a bonus video of a few seconds of the house at night, and the people going into it.

Overall, this turned out to be a fun house to walk through. Like I said, the babies with the big heads were definitely disturbing. There was a lot to see in the house, so hopefully you went through it more than once to find all of the dolls. So that was a look at the "Dollhouse of the Damned” house.  If you have any questions about the house, or HHN24, please feel free to ask.


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