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Part of my Halloween Horror Nights 24 (HHN) adventures was taking the Unmasking the Horror Tour. This tour takes fans on a behind the scenes look at their haunted houses. Our tour took us into 6 of their 8 houses so I decided to break them each up into their own post in order to give you a better look at each of them. This is a behind the scenes look at the “The Walking Dead” house.

The above video is a series of photos that I took while on the tour. What I will be doing now is describing some of the things you saw in the video, so you might want to read this and then go back and watch the video again. 

The first bunch of pics in the video is of the outside of the house. On the left you have Terminus, which is your eventual exit. On the right is the prison, which is the beginning of the house. Outside of the prison you see some zombies surrounding the fences. 

Here, and in the pic I would like to point out that’s Hershel's head in the background. If you weren't standing by the fence at night you might have missed him.

Next we see the dead pigs that Rick had in the prison yard. At night, there was a zombie on the left hand side, and it acted like it couldn't move away from the fence. However, when the right person came by, this zombie scare actor lounged towards them.

Then we make our way into the prison, and where everyone sleeps. Too bad at night no one was here but zombies. In the video, you can see the zombie that Hershel struggled with to get the tube for a sick Glenn.

From there we walk into the shower scene. At night there were zombies hiding behind some of the showers.

This is the third year they have done a Walking Dead house, and one of the fun things about them is noticing things from the show. It really puts you in that world, and makes you feel like you are reliving it. So here you see the famous burnt zombies courtesy of Carol.

There are a few things that I mentioned in other behind the scenes posts that happen in this house. One is the raven here. The others you can see in the video, which are other Disney button, and the name on the box of spaghetti sauce.

In the video, you see a few pics of these zombies, and even myself. This is one of the cooler effects in the house. Basically the zombies are on a ramp, and they come rolling down at you. It looked awesome in the darkness as they came at you. In the video you can tell we are in the store the group was in that had the zombies fall in from the roof. You can see a hanging zombie, and helicopter.

Ah... just like last year I found Daryl's crossbow!

This next room was fun. It had mirrors on the wall, and was full of fake zombies. Throw in some zombie scare actors at night, and the mirrors made it seem like you were surrounded by more zombies then were actually in the room.

The room that was like the golf course Daryl and Beth were at had more noticeable items. In the video you can see more hanging zombies, the bra, and Beth's poor choice of a drink. A few pics after that in the video you will see a rock. At night zombie scare actors were in them making noise replaying the scene with Glenn and Maggie in the tunnel.

Don't look at the flowers!!!!

That's me replacing Mary on the grill! Tainted meat anyone?

After that we walk into that creepy room in Terminus where the candles, and names were all over the place. You definitely don't want to be in there for too long. 

One of the best things about last year's Walking Dead house was the fenced in area around the prison. It was full of zombies trying to get you while you struggled to figure out how to escape. Well they did a similar fenced in area as you tried to escape Terminus. Again there were plenty of zombies trying to get you before the exit. Once again a very nice job.

Overall "The Walking Dead" house was awesome! It was the biggest house HHN has done, and it was well worth it. If you are a fan of the show, it was a must to walk through it. They did a great job of covering scenes from season 4. The only thing missing were the characters, which they weren't allowed to include. So that was a look at the "The Walking Dead” house.  If you have any questions about the house, or HHN24, please feel free to ask.


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