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Something terrifying is happening off the coast of Block Island. A strange force is thriving, influencing residents and wildlife alike.

Starring: Michela McManus, Neville Archambault, and Jim Cummings

Directed and written by: Kevin McManus, and Matthew McManus

A Fantasia International Film Festival Review

  “The Block Island Sound” sets up a lot of strange happenings, but will give the audience plenty to think about once it concludes. Harry (Chris Sheffield) might not be perfect, but like any good son he loves his father (Neville Archambault). He kind of ignores some of his father’s odd behavior, and just thinks it’s him getting older. His father’s behavior isn't the only thing odd in Block Sound, as there have been changes in the environment and animals discovered dead all over the place. 
  Audry (Michaela McManus), Harry’s sister, comes back to town to visit, but also to investigate some of the animal deaths. She has brought along her young daughter to see her grandfather, but that’s short lived when he disappears. When he’s later found dead, Harry is enraged. He wants answers, especially knowing more about his dad’s weird moments leading up to his death than anyone else. Soon enough he finds himself on the same path as his dad.

  While the cast does a good job overall, Neville Archambault is definitely a standout. His character gives out these creepy sounds while hiding in the corners, and he does it perfectly. The more he does it, the more his image will be ingrained in the audience’s head. He’s also in Harry’s head, who is trying to fight off whatever is happening to him. 
  Trying not to spoil what’s happening, but something interesting is going on out on the open water. The further anyone goes out there, the more they can hear a loud noise that might be at the center of everything. It causes something crazy to happen to anyone out there, and will give the audience an idea of what this is all about. The real payoff is why, and thinking about if this really could happen.

  Again there’s a lot of strange happenings in this town. Animals are dying, and people like Harry and his dad start acting bizarre. Everything leads up to a very dramatic ending that will explain everything. The conclusion to “The Block Island Sound” gives the audience plenty to think about, and probably shows where the idea for the movie came from. They manage to come up with an interesting, and freaky story that makes a big statement. With that, the sound you hear is me giving this film 3 pools of blood.

The Block Island Sound” is playing as part of the Fantasia 2020 Virtual Festival.


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