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Residents of a suburban community enjoy a night at home with their friends and family, while an ominous threat looms just outside their doors.

Starring: Scott Friend, Brooke Bloom, and Lindsay Burdge

Directed and written by: Kevin Tran

  Some people are lucky enough to live in neighborhoods where very few bad things happen. They can go along with their business with almost no worries. Maybe they know some of their neighbors, maybe they don’t, but that doesn’t matter as long as nothing interrupts their routines. However, when things go wrong it can feel like the end of the neighborhood.
  The neighborhood in “The Dark End of the Street” seems like one of those peaceful neighborhoods. Some neighbors have known each other for long periods of time, but still keep to themselves. It’s a mix of people young and old, and of different races. Everyone seems to be doing their usual thing until Marney’s (Brooke Bloom) cat is killed. It’s the latest in a string of pet murders, and now the news is making its way through the neighborhood. This one event now brings together people in ways they never expected.

  “The Dark End of the Street” is a great name for a horror movie, however this isn’t a horror movie. It’s a drama, but still interestingly enough has some horror elements sprinkled in it to help make the story happen. Obviously, the horror starts with the person going around killing pets in the area. The audience gets to see the aftermath of one death, and later the killer on the hunt. Because of the kills, there is also a dark undertone to the film especially when people are moving around the streets. While most of them aren’t in danger, it also feels like they are. Actually one person stumbles into a place he doesn’t belong, and pays for it.
  Instead of horror, the movie is about creating a mix of people, and taking them out of their comfort zones. Marney suffers greatly at the loss of her cat, and unexpectedly mourns with her long time neighbor Ian (Anthony Chisholm). Keith (Danial K. Isaac) lets paranoia set in because of the deaths, and soon enough makes a situation a lot worse than need be. Richard (Jim Patrick) is the entertainer of the neighborhood, as he throws a small house party that includes soon to be father Jim (Scott Friend). He tries to prove that once again he can handle the party, but really should have stayed home. And then there’s a group of young skateboards who are just trying to ride their boards, and make music.

  “The Dark End of the Street” really could an episode of a t.v. drama series, and why not at just over an hour long. It uses its time effectively jumping right into the problem that hits the neighborhood, and skips any long character introductions. The audience still learns everything they need to know about these people with the most important thing being how they interact when things go wrong. While not a horror movie, there’s a dark feeling about it, and the case of the pet killer ends in a very unexpected way. With that, I give it 2.5 pools of blood.



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