“Dark Shadows” is based off the “Dark Shadows” TV series. The series aired from 1966-1971, and featured the late Jonathan Frid as the vampire, Barnabas Collins. Unfortunately, I never saw the series, but imagine it must have been a good show for it to last so long being based on a vampire. Now it is time for Johnny Depp to step into the role of Barnabas Collins with Tim Burton working his magic behind the scenes. A young Barnabas and his parents make the trip across the sea to start a new life in America. They build their home in a town that is named after them, Collinsport, Maine. Living the life of a young rich guy, Barnabas gets mixed up with several girls, including one named Angelique (Eva Green). Unknown to him, she is a witch who puts a curse on him, and his family. Not only does she turn him into a vampire, but punishes him by burying him alive. Barnabas has been in the ground for over 200 years until he is finally dug up, and awakens in a ...