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Halloween Pictures

Like previous years, I would like to post some pictures of your Halloween costumes, parties, decorations, etc., on this page. If you are willing to share some pictures, you can email them to me at, tweet them to me  @horrosreviews, or post them on my Facebook page HorrO's Gory Reviews. If you have a website, Facebook page, and/or Twitter account that you would like me to include with the pictures, I would be happy to do so. Now enjoy some pics from this year, and the past few years!

Halloween 2014:

Pics from the HorrO's House of Horror:

Pics courtesy of Meg Gaiger (@Harpyimages):

Pic courtesy of Mr. Zom B. Horde (@ZombieProtest):

Pics courtesy of Lou Valenti (@devilman654):

Halloween 2013:

Pics from the HorrO's House of Horror:

Halloween 2012:

Pics from the HorrO's House of Horror:

If the screw goes any further Zombie HorrO is finished

Zombie HorrO roams the graveyard

Zombie HorrO roams the graveyard

Zombie HorrO and his zombie friend

Enter HorrO's House of Horror if you dare

Zombie HorrO and his zombie friend

Zombie HorrO and his zombie friend

Zombie HorrO and his zombie friend

Zombie HorrO getting run over

Zombie HorrO down

Zombie HorrO never dies

HorrO's House of Horror graveyard

Zombie HorrO guarding the graveyard

HorrO's House of Horror graveyard

HorrO's House of Horror graveyard

Waiting for the kids

Zombie HorrO hunger for brains

Zombies don't sleep

Zombie HorrO's head hurts

Stay away

Zombie HorrO can't drive 

Pics courtesy of Lauren Harper at: 

The Black Dahlia

Black Dahlia Halloween Tutorial :

You can also find Lauren on Twitter, and Facebook

Pics courtesy of Juliette Gillies:

Follow her on Twitter!

Pic courtesy of long time Twitter friend Sarah and her son Magoo:

Pics courtesy of Lana Owens: 

lil monster trick or treater pumpkin

Follow her on Twitter

Now enjoy some pics from Halloween 2011! 

Pics from the HorrO's House of Horror: 

HorrO's Costume

HorrO loves scaring the kids

HorrO roams the streets

HorrO roams the graveyard

Turn back now!

Pumpkin Cake

 Spider Web and Eye Ball Cupcakes

Mini Skeleton Cupcakes

 Mini Skeleton Cupcakes

Finger Necklace

Pics courtesy of

Lindsay Lohan

Sexy Cop

Lady Gaga's Born This Way Skeleton

At Zombie Walk Detroit

At Kane Hodder's VIP Party (Friday the 13th)

Lady Gaga's Born This Way Skeleton 

Pics courtesy of @Sausagelinks on Twitter

Halloween Pumpkins

Halloween Pumpkins at night

Mickey Halloween Pumpkin

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