Here are some posters, dates, and trailers of some upcoming horror movie releases (note due to the delay of some movies I left the trailers up for now but the dates for some movies have changed)...
Struggling prog-rock musician William Brown finds himself in a living nightmare when he accidentally kills Vlad, the neighbor from hell. Starring: Alex Winter, Jonah Ray, and Kiran Deol Directed by: Josh Forbes Written by: Mike Benner, Jared Logan, and Charles A. Pieper Check out the video below and find out how many pools of blood it received…
Traces a family of murderous sideshow performers as it travels around the world on the dying carnival circuit. Starring: Toby Poser, Zelda Adams, and John Adams Directed and written by: John Adams, Zelda Adams, and Toby Poser Check out the video below and find out how many pools of blood it received…