A vacationing family encounters an alien threat in this thriller based on the real-life Brown Mountain Lights phenomenon in North Carolina. Starring: Katherine Sigismund, Corey Eid, Riley Morris, and Jillian Clare Directed by: Matty Beckerman Written by: Robert Lewis Horror fans have seen a lot of found footage films over the past few years, but not many about aliens. Actually, not long into “Alien Abduction” I was thinking "V/H/S," or even more specifically the alien short film in "V/H/S2". I didn't really care for that short, so "Alien Abduction" had to be better... right? After an introduction to what the Brown Mountain Lights phenomenon is about, the audience meets the Morris family, as they head off to the mountains for their camping trip. The movie is shot through a hand-held camera of the youngest child, Riley (Riley Polanski), who is autistic. As far as the camera angles and movement throughout t...