What a disappointment... no more nicknames for Bill and Eric! It's hard to come up with good ones. Here are a few terrible ones I came up with: Sookie Lover 1&2, Sookie Hater 3&4, Team Don't Stake Me, Tall & Short, Mr. Sex Addiction & Mr. Lover Man, or Damon & Stefan. Not sure why those last names sound familiar. Oh well, onto my thoughts on episode 3, “Whatever I Am, You Made Me.” Let me start with an "I told you so." Last week I said the Rev knew someone important. The next Nan, that is too funny. I have to say that is a good job of writing him back into the show with the perfect role. As Roman spoke, who else was thinking that woman can't be trusted? And sleeping with Bill and Eric, shame! Good to see another week of loyalty between the two, especially after that extremely interesting flashback. No way did I think we would ever see Bill and Lorena in Pam’s flashback. Funny how back then the roles were reversed, as Eric wa...