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Shortly after delivering a patient to an understaffed hospital, a police officer experiences strange and violent occurrences seemingly linked to a group of mysterious hooded figures.

Starring: Ellen Wong, Kathleen Munroe, and Kenneth Welsh

Directed and written by: Jeremy Gillespie and Steven Kostanski

  Watching the trailer to a movie can make you want to see it, or pass on it. It can also make you so curious about something that you need to know what’s happening. There’s a lot going on in the trailer for “The Void,” but those hooded guys with the triangles where their faces should be had me hooked. Who are they, what’s with the triangles, and what are they up to? 
  Before the appearance of the hooded guys, the audience gets thrown right in the middle of a scene of chaos resulting in a girl getting burned alive. It then moves away from that scene and to police officer Daniel Carter (Aaron Poole). It seems like another slow night for him until a bleeding guy stumbles out of the woods. Daniel takes him to the hospital and the madness begin!
  One of the many good things about this movie is the pace, and how all the strangeness unfolds. The few hospital staff members help Daniel get the guy to a room, and just when things are about to settle down Daniel has a run in with the hooded guys. There is no shortage of creepiness in them, but they aren’t the scariest thing around. Soon enough, the first of several disgusting looking creatures are introduced in a crazy, and bloody scene. 
  With hooded guys surrounding the hospital and creatures inside, Daniel along with others have to figure a way out. Unfortunately after his wife Allison (Kathleen Munroe) goes missing, he has no choice but to go looking for her. As Daniel and some strangers begin the search, the mystery begins to unfold. With some surprises and more creatures, Daniel finally finds out what they have been facing this entire time.
  To put it simply, “The Void” ends up being a wonderfully bizarre story. As crazy as the hooded guys may seem, they are only the beginning. The story unfolds at a perfect pace with twists and turns, as it has the audience waiting to enter the Void. If you’re a fan of say, “The Thing,” then the disgusting looking creatures should be to your liking. The movie might even be for fans of Lovecraft. Regardless of what you want to compare it to, this is definitely a must see worthy of 4 pools of blood.



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