In post-Civil War Arkansas, a young doctor is mysteriously summoned to a remote town in the Ozarks only to discover that the utopian paradise is filled with secrets and surrounded by a menacing, supernatural presence. Starring: Thomas Hobson, Phil Morris, and Tara Perry Directed by: Matt Glass and Jordan Wayne Long Written by: Sean Anthony Davis, Jordan Wayne Long, and Tara Perry The “Ghosts of the Ozarks” are lurking and ready to come for those who get out of line. James ‘Doc’ McCune (Thomas Hobson) is on his way to a new town to fill the role of doctor. As he gets close to the town, he encounters an unfriendly character that almost kills him, but he’s actually saved by something in the forest. It won’t be his last encounter, but first he’s welcomed to town by his uncle, Matthew McCune (Phil Morris). Matthew is in charge of the town, and appears to have things running smoothly. Thomas spends some time getting the feel of being the doctor in town while also get...