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Heidi, a radio DJ, is sent a box containing a record – a “gift from the Lords.” The sounds within the grooves trigger flashbacks of her town’s violent past. Is Heidi going mad, or are the Lords back to take revenge on Salem, Massachusetts?

Starring: Sheri Moon Zombie, Meg Foster, Francis Matthias, Jeff Daniel Phillips, and Ken Foree

Directed by: Rob Zombie

Written by: Rob Zombie

  Oh Lord, what have you done now Rob Zombie? Insane, crazy, wild, nuts, bizarre are just a few words to describe some of the scenes he comes up with in “The Lords of Salem.” Those words can sometimes add up to a good horror movie, as with “House of 1000 Corpses.” However, do they add up to the same thing with “The Lords of Salem?”
  This is one of those movies that seems like it’s split it two. One part is Heidi (Sheri Moon Zombie) in here regular life as a DJ. The scenes with her, and her fellow Djs are actually pretty entertaining. When not at the radio station, she’s usually at her apartment building. There the audience gets to see her spend some time with one of her co-hosts/boyfriend, and her usually neighbors.
  That is where the second part of this movie and the wildness comes in. It’s a series of insane daydreams that Heidi has, along with a few random flashbacks. The dreams bring out the true horror in this movie. Think of them like the crazy dreams in Zombie’s “Halloween 2” except with crazy witches. Sometimes it's Heidi embracing the witch in her, and other times there are flashbacks to the old Salem witches. Of course the witches aren’t doing charity work. Often they are dancing, laughing, and carrying on while being naked. Oh and there is some blood involved too!
  The movie doesn't accomplish much besides watching Heidi battle embracing the witch inside her. Once that battle is over so is the movie. The movie ends with an explanation of what happens next, which makes the movie seem a little pointless. That is besides showing as the crazy dream sequences that Rob Zombie can possibly come up with.
  While it might seem pointless, the movie is still well shot. Some horror fans will really enjoy the craziness, and bloodiness of the dreams. Sherri Moon Zombie does a surprisingly good job as Heidi. However, while the audience can see the reason why the witches go through all, the pointlessness of it all is too much to overcome. With that, I give “The Lords of Salem” 2 pools of blood.



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