“Brains” is an original web series set after a three year zombie apocalypse on a college campus. 23year old Alison Sumner is a neuropsychology student with a zombie (Carl Markham) as a best friend, who spends her time doing research about the zombie plague and crushing on a fellow student (Damian Phillips). Alison “vlogs” her quest to seduce her crush as an independent study art project, as well as her life post apocalypse. Starring: Bri Castellini, Marshall Taylor Thurman, Masha Danilenko, Connor Bowen, and Kmur Hardeman Directed by: Andrew Williams, and Bri Castellini Written by: Bri Castellini "Brains" the web series starts off with Alison (Bri Castellini) talking about her love life three years into the apocalypse. Yes, that's what she's worried about. Now this might not be something guys what to see to start off with, but it gets better. Actually, there are many things to like about this series, as it proves to be for all audiences....