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Emerson Graham’s night as a cab driver are filled with annoyances and inconveniences, but until tonight, never attacks and disappearances. After picking up a mysterious passenger her evening goes from working a job to performing a quest as they must race against the clock to defeat a force of evil. The meter is running.

Starring: Richard Speight Jr., Jessica Harthcock, and Casey Dillard

Directed by: Glenn Payne

Written by: Casey Dillard

  Technology has continued to change our world, and over the past few years it has given us the ability to rideshare. Some people do it all the time with no worries, and some do it but with a lot of concern. They aren’t wrong because a lot can go wrong jumping in a stranger’s car. As horror fans, we’ve all joked not to hitchhike, but ridesharing is very close to that. On the other hand, the driver never knows what to expect from the people that are getting in their car. It’s that angle that’s featured in “Driven.”
  This horror comedy opens with rideshare driver Emerson (Casey Dillard) early in her shift, and picking up various types of people. It’s a funny introduction that shows what some of these drivers have to go through. While in-between rides, Emerson works on her comedy, especially her segment on turdspoon. Turdspoon? Yes, you’ll just have to watch to find out what the much talked about turdspoon is all about!
  Well if that isn’t weird enough into her car jumps Roger (Richard Speight Jr.). He seems like just a very serious passenger, but things get testy when he needs to move from one stop to another in a hurry. He’s definitely up to something, and at first it’s unclear whether he’s a good guy or not. Emerson isn’t really sure, and much rather him leave the car. However, Roger offers to pay her a much needed big tip if she will go on a quest with him. 
  Again, you’ll just have to see for yourself what this quest is all about. Lets just say it’s a wild ride and includes the supernatural because Richard Speight Jr…. “Supernatural”…why not! And just like the great dynamic between Sam and Dean (Jared and Jenson), Emerson and Roger (Casey and Richard) quickly form a unique bond of their own. Ups and downs, laughs, miscommunications, harsh words, all happen in the middle of this quest. Casey and Richard smoothly pull it off like they’ve been driving cross country together for years.
    Passengers and drivers put themselves at risk every time they rideshare. In “Driven,” Emerson’s life is put in danger when Roger uses her as his driver in an unusual quest. While their relationship gets off to a slow start, it’s one that drives the movie. They bring the audience moments of humor, drama, and much more. Casey and Richard easily make this an enjoyable ride from beginning to end. No road rage here, as I give it 3.5 pools of blood!



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