“Morbid Colors” follows the troubled journey of Devin and Myca, two foster sisters bound by horrific pasts. When Myca returns from a months-long runaway trip with an insatiable thirst for human blood, Devin is hurled into her sister’s relentless quest to hunt down the creature responsible. Starring: Kara Gray, Lanae Hyneman, and Cindy Maples Written and directed by: Matthew Packman Reading the description for “Morbid Colors” might make it seem like a revenge story, but it’s a whole lot more. It obviously starts with the two sisters, Myca (Kara Gray), and Devin (Lanae Hyneman). Each have their own struggles in life, and battle each day to find their place in the world. Devin seems to be doing a little better, at least trying to do what’s right. Unfortunately for her, she’s that one family member that sacrifices everything in their life for the people around her. One of those people is Myca. She’s been away, and comes back trying to show people that thin...