When one horror year ends and another one begins the ‘best of' lists start appearing on everyone’s favorite sites and blogs. Now it’s my turn at making a list. Honestly, I hate doing this when I know I’ve missed some important movies that might have ended up on this list. However, I’ll do the best with what I saw, and note some of the ones I missed at the bottom. While I call it a ‘best of' list, it's really just my favorite horror films of 2019. So here are my favorites… 5. Us - Yes, I probably ranked one or two others higher during the year, but looking back at all the movies as a whole I feel this deserves a spot up here. It was creepy, tense, and weird. If it missed the spot with some people, it was how the film wrapped up. 4. Satanic Panic - Either horror comedies have gotten better or I’ve gotten softer because I’ve enjoyed more of them every year. This one wins for horror comedy of the year for me with a great story that all adds up in the end. Th...