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What started as a week-long adventure with friends quickly turns into a terrifying fight for survival in The Stairs. 

Starring: John Schneider, Josh Crotty, Adam Korson, and Brent Bailey

Directed by: Peter ‘Drago’ Tiemann

Written by: Jason L. Lowe and Peter ‘Drago’ Tiemann

  Please don’t take the “The Stairs,” especially if they’re out in the middle of nowhere. The film opens with Grandpa Gean (John Schneider) preparing to leave home with his young grandson Jesse (Thomas Wethington). They say bye to mom and grandma, and head out into the forest for some hunting. Gean reminds Jesse of his teachings as they close in on a deer. Jesse gets separated from Gean when he finds a staircase to nowhere in the middle of the woods. He disappears while investigating it, and soon enough so does Gean.

   Now many years later a group of friends led by Nick (Adam Korson) and Josh (Brent Bailey) head into the same woods for a hike. Some of them are better cut out for the woods than others. It doesn’t help when one of them swears she sees a creepy looking woman. With no one in sight, they continue on only to find another odd man along with the woman. This encounter lets them all know there’s definitely something wrong going on in these woods.

    There seems to be no clear reason why strange things are happening in the forest, but that’s alright. Before getting to the stairs, the scary looking woman does a great job terrifying one of the hikers. It gets better and more bizarre when they run into the man who is now along side the woman and a baby. No spoilers here, but the audience will be just as freaked out as the friends. It's by far one of the best scenes of the movie!

  So about those stairs! While odd to look at in the middle of the woods, it turns out to be more about the doorway behind them. It sets the stage early on with Gean and Jesse, and has some twists and turns when some of the surviving hikers find it. Again no spoilers, but besides a twist it unleashes a final creature they will have to deal with too survive. The story here will interestingly enough come full circle.

  Admittedly it’s a little disappointing to see John Schneider get a limited role here. However, the cast of hikers does well to make up for it with some interesting personalities. The fun part is having one really unusual character that the others aren’t exactly pleased to be hiking with, and another who clearly shouldn’t be in the woods. Just as the group begins to grow on the audience both the group and audience will be in for some wild sights. “The Stairs” delivers on the getting creepy, and bizarre, and with that I give it 3.5 pools of blood.


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