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A young morgue attendant encounters an unwelcome visitor. 
Starring: Stacey Farber, and Marcia Moran

Directed and written by: John Gray

  Sabrina (Stacey Farber) is alone working her shift at a morgue. She’s going about her business logging in another body, Angela Bates (Marcia Moran). Sabrina can’t hear it, but a voice from a drain on the floor whispers to Angela. When she goes to roll Angela’s body to the other side of the room it appears Angela is moving. She checks out Angela, finds nothing, and continues on. However, this is only the beginning of her nightmare.
  Obviously the setting of this short horror film will put many on edge. They keep the room just dark enough with a silence that is unsettling. The pace is just perfect, as it leads to a very freaky scene. The tension rises to the end, but the ending isn’t too unexpected.
  “The Desecrated” turns out to be one of those short horror films that isn’t bad, but might be better served as a scene in a larger movie. Actually, it might be a great opening scene mostly because of how the ending plays out. It leaves a lot to the imagination, which could be explained if this were a regular movie. Otherwise, it’s everything the audience might expect from a film in a morgue.


*Shown at the 5th Annual Popcorn Frights Film Festival


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